Thursday, November 14, 2013


I love these writing exercises! Sit me down, surrounded by familiar writing companions, give me a word and start me off. One, two, three, go! Write for ten minutes, spontaneously, carelessly, with abandon and see what happens... 'Luminosity!'
Already the word is drawing me in. Fascinated by colour, light, things that glow, I am in my element. I will follow this word, this thought and see where it leads me.

Luminous. It conjures up ideas of pulsating light. It is larger than life, conspicuous and illuminated, standing out from the shadows and very high profile.

This is not where I like to be. I am a shy, reserved person who does not like to be in the limelight (limelight? is this a special kind of greenish glow?). I prefer to sit a little at the edge, listening to what is said, watching what is occurring and only venturing a comment now and then when I have something to say. I do not like to be luminous. However, please do not misunderstand... I am not invisible. I like you to listen when I speak to you. I just like to glow a little - quietly.

But I love luminous people. I love their fire, their spark, their inspiration. So please feel free to glow noisily in my presence. Be exuberant, be passionate, be luminous! The world is a dark place and luminosity can rescue us from the shadows. For me it also carries the idea of transparency - of something that is clear, honest, true and open to view. I like that. I need more transparency in my life - maybe more luminosity. My natural reserve can be an obstacle in this respect.

And so I write. I live sometimes in the shadows. Verbally I can only glow a little, but in the medium of the written word sometimes I dare a little luminosity.

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