Wednesday, November 21, 2012

‘Don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone… but it was good!’

A tribute to my friends in the Writers Circle

We’re on the move! After living almost a quarter of our lives in the Netherlands, we’re leaving! We never expected to stay so long when we came – but that’s what they all say. Fifteen years! It’s a way of life: the Dutch language, Dutch lifestyle, Dutch customs (and the expat ones), favourite places, favourite foods, favourite bars and restaurants and, of course, favourite friends… my friends.

I shall miss you all. There, I’ve said it. I’m looking forward, of course – to the next adventure; but I’m looking backward too, over my shoulder - already. I know I shall miss you. It’s a very special place, this writers circle, and each one of you is special – irreplaceable. You’ve known me for some years now, you’ve welcomed me, shared my ups and downs, laughed at my jokes, listened to my stories and praised my writing attempts, taking me seriously and giving me constructive criticism with a smile and the sincere encouragement I needed to go on. And I love each one of you – so gloriously different, so wonderfully unique. We’ve a wealth of talent here and I am proud to know you, proud to be part of you, happy to eat your scones, touched by your hospitality, invigorated by your enthusiasms.

So I’m taking you all with me (did you know that?), packed in my suitcase. I haven’t finished with you yet – I shall need you in my new life. Well, maybe not in my suitcase, but in my heart, in my memories box, in my fund of inspiration and my sense of self-worth. You’ve all given me so much.

I’m packing up my home right now. There’s a lot of it to pack – you wouldn’t believe how much (yes, maybe you would!). Packing up my life and putting it in store. I’m going home… well, home from home. Which one’s home? Hard to know really. I’m going home for Christmas. I’m going home to my sister’s. But I shall be homeless for a while: a displaced person… a bag lady! In transit. In process. In a muddle!

But, I promise you, when I’m settled in, I’ll unpack it all – including you. I’ll unpack you all from my memory box and you’ll occupy pride of place on the mantelpiece – well, probably on the bookshelf, next to my writing desk or beside my Parker pen. A fitting place for my inspirational friends. Thank you all – for a box full of memories, a bundle of laughs, a warm blanket of friendship around my shoulders and an immeasurable richness of stories, poems, moments of shared madness, outpourings of passion and sheer literary genius. Thank you most of all for your acceptance, which I accept gladly, and will take away as a part of me wherever I go.

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