Sunday, December 23, 2012

Room at the Inn!

It's a strange Christmas this year... In October I decided to make my Christmas cake and puddings. My mother always said these should be made early in order for the flavours to develop and mature so that they would be at their best by the time Christmas came. I took her advice for once this year, although she has been gone for nine years now. Mothers know best.

Late in October I sold my house! Since then there has been a mad, crazy scramble to sort, pack, clean, tidy, organise, cancel, say goodbye... no time for baking; no time for Christmas.

Now it's Christmas Eve and I discovered that this year, just like before, there is room at the inn! We're homeless since three days ago - new people own our house now, our belongings are in store and we're off to find a new home. But we haven't found one yet and I'm so glad that I have a family back home and they're willing to share theirs with us! Thanks sis!

We have two whole rooms and a bathroom of our own. We have shelves and a couple of cupboards. We have overflow space in the garage for all our extra things we may need before the removal company redeliver our things to our new address. We have central heating. We have a warm bed and we're invited for Christmas. We have a turkey. And there's Christmas cake and pudding! But best of all we have family. Pretty good for a couple of refugees!

Thank you family! And a very merry Christmas, one and all.

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