Monday, March 21, 2011

First Day of Spring

Spring is such a lovely word. It has so many connotations. Somehow, mixed up in my thinking, is an idea of new things, green shoots, yellow flowers, the first buds of forsythia showing on the bare wood – my mother used to bring the dead sticks into the warm house in January and we would wait for the first tiny little buds of yellow to burst out on the twigs.

Spring …………. It’s about bursting out, springing up, lambs bounding along, tadpoles wriggling, frogs hopping, everything moving. It’s about waking up from the long winter’s sleep, about life breaking out, so it must be good! It happens every year, whatever the weather has been – a dull, muggy winter or a crisp, bright one with branches laden with snow and bulbs having to force their way up through a thick white blanket. It happens whether you feel bright, happy and expectant or whether you are weighed down with depression – the long, dull winter blues … no matter what, spring has sprung, as they say. What an amazing life force!

If we could just tap into some of this energy – this life force – especially when winter, or sadness, or depression kicks in and squashes out the life, the hope, the passion in our lives. Then we need our own spring, our own new thoughts, new hopes to emerge like fresh blades of grass, or tiny bulbs …

I’ve run out! I’ve exhausted my train of thought. The burst of energy and creativity has dwindled. My spring is over and now I need to wait, to crawl into my cave to recharge and recuperate, like a bear in hibernation, waiting for another spring of creative thought to dawn.

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